Josh Goo

Josh Goo

Artistic Director

Since he began taking performance seriously in 2012, Josh Goo has always been drawn to the music of now rather than the music of the past. Though he loves the beauty and expression of Brahms and the like, he feels there is so much more potential in modern music. That is why ever since earning his Master's in Clarinet Performance from Northwestern University, he has focused his career path on performing new music with Nebula Ensemble, the Doclé Reed Quintet, and any group that likes to create something that is truly unique.

In addition to performing new music, Josh greatly enjoys creating new music. Having composed pieces for Nebula Ensemble and the Doclé Reed Quintet in the past, he is looking forward to exploring what music is and means in the 21st century. How can live performances be meaningful when recordings are so readily available? As a performer first and foremost, how can performers, or even audience members, contribute to the creation of music? How can we create "classical" music that is relevant to and inclusive of underrepresented populations? These are the questions that Josh tries to tackle in his compositions.

Beyond performing and writing music, Josh is also fascinated by teaching and marketing. These passions combine, in his online clarinet teaching business, QuickStart Clarinet, where he has created a method book, weekly video content, and more in an effort to help clarinetists of all ages and ability levels learn to play right, now, as well as, in his role as Nebula Ensemble's Digital Marketing Director.

And of course, none of the fun things he does now would be possible without the support, guidance, and knowledge from his teachers, mentors, and role models including Steve Cohen, Leslie Grimm, Lawrie Bloom, Dr. Jeremy W. Reynolds, Michael Rusinek, Mallory Thompson, Seth Godin, and Marie Forleo.

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